Monday, May 21, 2007

Trusting the Almighty

There is, in life, a certain richness and fullness. A certain sense of fear or longing for more. And for some, that fear or knowledge of an unkown is something to flee from as one flees his mortal enemy. But for one who professes to believe in Christ and depends on Him, this fear or knowledge of the unkown draws him closer and tighter into Christ. And to live in a world where every following moment is unkown and uncertain and yet still it does not fall apart is only proof that there is One who holds it all together. And for the Christian, this being is God. He is the Creator of all of the universe and it is in Him that hope and meaning can be found. In Him, and Him alone. And yet, to trust in God is to trust in a mystery. Yes, He is certain and unquestionably existant, but the doubt which exists in the human mind is such that doubt in God or His work in the lay-out of our lives is far too common.

As I am here, talking to my friend, Sheryce about the importance and the fright and utter joy of Faith or Trust I still struggle with the balance or rather, the struggle between Faith and human-reason (fallen, sinful reason). There seems to be a super-human struggle between these two at times, and though the two can also go hand in hand so well. As I read and learn from the Word I feel stronger and bolder in my faith of God and there are times, perhaps a few moments, or an hour where I suddeny fear, and doubt, bringing once again to prayer before that fear goes away. Te power of the Holy Spirit is powerful and I have felt His strength in my heart as time passes. I feel confident in Him and I trust more and more in His guiding hand and I have learned to better understand that His truly is guiding me and that I should have no fear. And that I should not question His work. Because to question Him wearies Him (Malachi 2.17) and it is a sin: it is dissobeying Him when He tells us to trust in Him fully! What a wonderful gift and blessing it is to have a God that we can trust in fully and that we can know, with full confidence is Good and is guiding our steps and will not let us deviate from that path, even when it is a path that we may not feel like it the right path all the time; we must pray and trust that He is working. And He is working! Praise God who brings deliverance and praise God who shuts the womb!

1 comment:

Kermit and Elektra said...

Re: Posting links.

I will call this weekend and give you a hand, if you have not figured it out already.
